Private Investigator Services
for Professionals


Don't risk your business, protect your interests

We have the solution to your problems. Our capacity as Qualified Witnesses makes our reports become impartial, technical and highly conclussive evidence.


Considering the impossibility of having an exhaustive control of all your workers, ASDA Private Investigators has a number of services at your disposal. This way, you have the absolut certainty that you have the best staff you can trust in.

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At ASDA Private Investigators we help you solve any private fears or suspicion you may have. To that end, we dispose of the necessary tools to lessen all your worries.

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Our experience in Commercial settings means we know first hand the most common menaces, which helps us identify the type of behaviour that affect your business. ASDA Private Investigators offers the possibility to be prepared come any eventuality you might find.

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Penal Compliance

We understand as "Complaince" the idea of following legislation and current law; and "Penal Compliance" as the set of tools we use to prevent possible infractions previously classified in the penal code, in doing so preventing the responsibility from falling completely on your business.

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Our actions extend to diverse fields to do with Private Investigations to do with offering information, assesment and proof about the usage of informatic equipment and network activity. The planning of strategies in the matter of technological security and control is part of the work of our Private Investigator Firm.

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For the Mutuals sector, ASDA Private Investigators proposes products that seek to solve the totality of the problems you might encounter.

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One of the sectors that faces the highest rate of fraud is the affected by Insurance Companies. At ASDA Private Investigators we have created a work methodology tailored to the needs of each accident, offering four kinds of report depending on gravity and your needs

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