Detectives Privados
Área Civil
At ASDA Private Investigators we help you solve any private fears or suspicion you may have. To that end, we dispose of the necessary tools to lessen all your worries. The peace of mind we gain from the blind trust we can place on the people we live with is fundamental to live a full life. But it isn't always like this and we must know who we can trust.

Investigation Services for Civil Cases
- Controlling conduct of partners, family members and assistants
- Verifying the custody agreement of your children
- Proof of marital coexistence and extinction of a compensatory pension
- International family and abduction of minors
- Search and location of missing people
- Investigation of extorsions and anonymous threats
- Urban rentals
- Succesions and inheritance
Areas of action for Civil Cases
Controlling conduct of partners, family members and assistants: Verification of unfaithfulness or possible cheating being carried out by your partner that could affect the family unit; irregularities with money, drug consumption or gambling addictions are also some of our focuses, amongst others.
Verifying the custody agreement of your children: We control the custody determined time for one of the spouse to determine if they are taking proper care of their children, what kind of care they are providing and we check for careless behaviour such as alcohol consumption while driving with the minors.
Proof of marital coexistence and extinction of a compensatory pension: Acording to legal precedent we can determine that marital coexistence happens when a relationship is not hidden to third parties such as friends and family. Even though to prove such coexistance it must be continuous, there must be a repeated permanence at a partner's residence or other encounters in different places such as hotels. Additionaly, such a relationship must also comply with the characteristics of permanence, exclusivity and stability to qualify.
International family and abduction of minors: Sometimes a parent may abduct the minor without custody and move to a foreign country, be it inside or outside the European Union. In the case that the person is still inside a country in the European Union, the extradition of the minor once located is helped along with the collaboration of the pertinent Security Forces. Suposing the country is outside the European Union, and that it doesn't have an extradition treaty with Spain, control of the minor is kept until the necessary documentation for moving them back with the parent that has custody is ready.
Verifying the custody agreement of your children: We control the custody determined time for one of the spouse to determine if they are taking proper care of their children, what kind of care they are providing and we check for careless behaviour such as alcohol consumption while driving with the minors.
Proof of marital coexistence and extinction of a compensatory pension: Acording to legal precedent we can determine that marital coexistence happens when a relationship is not hidden to third parties such as friends and family. Even though to prove such coexistance it must be continuous, there must be a repeated permanence at a partner's residence or other encounters in different places such as hotels. Additionaly, such a relationship must also comply with the characteristics of permanence, exclusivity and stability to qualify.
International family and abduction of minors: Sometimes a parent may abduct the minor without custody and move to a foreign country, be it inside or outside the European Union. In the case that the person is still inside a country in the European Union, the extradition of the minor once located is helped along with the collaboration of the pertinent Security Forces. Suposing the country is outside the European Union, and that it doesn't have an extradition treaty with Spain, control of the minor is kept until the necessary documentation for moving them back with the parent that has custody is ready.
Search and location of missing people: If you need to find a person for legal reasons like a demand, or even for sentimental ones, we have ample experience doing so.
Investigation of extorsions and anonymous threats: Have you ever received menaces via mail and not know who the sender was? Or do you know of a third party who received an anonymous letter talking about you? We can help you solve this and locate the author of those letters, compilling a report with such data and then providing your attorney or the relevant Security Force so they may proceed with their efforts with enough evidence.
Urban rentals: Are you a propietary of a rented residence and believe other tenants are living there? Do you think your tenants are subleting your residence to gain a benefit? Do you think your tenant is partialy surrendering part of the propierty to a third party? Frequently, residences or rented propierties, generaly with old rent contracts, have tenants other than the contracted ones without knowledge of the propiertor and this can be reason to terminate the contract. If you are suspicious of your tenants carrying out this activities, here at ASDA Private Investigators we compile all necessary evidence to prove this illicit activity so the propietor can cancel the contract immediately.
Succesions and inheritance: We search for your heirs at national and international level so that the will opening may proceed correctly. We also investigate heirs if there is any mistrust between heirs or if the deceased's will is being breached. All possible irregularities are investigated and proof is reported. Executor comprobation: We will attempt to verify whether the person appointed as executor to apply the deceased's will complies with the expected requisites.
Investigation of extorsions and anonymous threats: Have you ever received menaces via mail and not know who the sender was? Or do you know of a third party who received an anonymous letter talking about you? We can help you solve this and locate the author of those letters, compilling a report with such data and then providing your attorney or the relevant Security Force so they may proceed with their efforts with enough evidence.
Urban rentals: Are you a propietary of a rented residence and believe other tenants are living there? Do you think your tenants are subleting your residence to gain a benefit? Do you think your tenant is partialy surrendering part of the propierty to a third party? Frequently, residences or rented propierties, generaly with old rent contracts, have tenants other than the contracted ones without knowledge of the propiertor and this can be reason to terminate the contract. If you are suspicious of your tenants carrying out this activities, here at ASDA Private Investigators we compile all necessary evidence to prove this illicit activity so the propietor can cancel the contract immediately.
Succesions and inheritance: We search for your heirs at national and international level so that the will opening may proceed correctly. We also investigate heirs if there is any mistrust between heirs or if the deceased's will is being breached. All possible irregularities are investigated and proof is reported. Executor comprobation: We will attempt to verify whether the person appointed as executor to apply the deceased's will complies with the expected requisites.