Private Investigators for
Insurance Companies

Insurance Companies

One of the sectors that faces the highest rate of fraud is the affected by Insurance Companies. At ASDA Private Investigators we have created a work methodology tailored to the needs of each accident, offering four kinds of report depending on gravity and your needs.

Investigation Services for Insurance Companies

  • Accident report verification
  • Long term consequence comfirmation
  • Accident reconstruction
  • Checking any type of complaint towards the company
  • Risk evaluation
  • Investigation of injuries previous to the accident
  • Burglary and fire verification

Services for Insurance Companies

Accident report verification: We carry out the necessary process to verify the accident report received by the company.

Long term consequence comfirmation: We comfirm the real reach of the long term consequences alleged by the insured.

Accident reconstruction: We collect evidence and testimonies from people who witnessed the accident and then compare against the insured's declaration.

Risk evaluation: We look into possible new clients in order to assure the viability of a future contract.

Investigation of injuries previous to the accident: Check whether the injuries that the insuree declares are previous to the accident or not.

Burglary and fire verification: Verifying the facts on burglary and fire reports.
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